Monday, October 8, 2007

Don't Forget!

The excitement of the past month in Burma may seem to be dying down - but now is not the time to forget Burma! The people living there are fighting for their lives - literally. The protests did not end - they were silenced with guns. The monks have not gone back to meditating in monasteries - they are in prison. The eyes of the world have been on Burma these last few weeks - something that probably should have happened decades ago. There were protests around the world this weekend, Stallone has a new Rambo movie out - focused on Burma, and the UN met in an emergency session focused solely on Burma.

God has indeed not forgotten the people of this land. He does want to heal their land, but He also wants them to turn away from their idols and towards Him. Would you join us in serving the people of this country? Would you pray that they would turn from their worthless idols to the living God who can heal their land (2 Chron. 7:14)? Would you pray for God to remove the ruling military junta and put in the true elected leader of that country, Aung San Suu Kyi? And would you follow the news and latest developments there? It is so easy to forget about something that is so far away, but please don't let that happen. And finally, would you write a letter to your Congressman, Senator, and/or editor of your local paper asking them to keep Burma on our foreign policy agenda and in the public eye? To stay informed go to GRI's website:; and the BBC's website:

Thank you for taking this journey with us these last four weeks - we have a ways to go yet...


1 comment:

Bethany said...

Thanks for blogging about Burma Kerri! You've got some serious blogging skills :)