Friday, October 5, 2007

Abandon the middle, not hope

So the girls to the right are proof that we should abandon the middle in our walks with the Lord, but we should never abandon hope that He IS moving among the lost and hurting. This picture shows two girls rescued from the bars of Chiang Mai who now work as jewelry makers. They are paid a salary, and they are learning what it means to be a forgiven child of God. The girls in these bars need desperately to know that there is hope for their futures - that there is a God in heaven who loves them and wants what's best for them. And that is where we come in. God has revealed the hope we have in Him to us, and we cannot keep that amazing Truth to ourselves.

This is what we mean by abandoning the middle. Not walking in that safe, middle ground we want to pretend is faith. Faith is stepping away from the worldly logic of safety and stepping into God's will for our lives. Do we really trust Him with our lives, our finances, our children? I know so often I don't (okay, so not so much with the children part), but I want to and need to. I know that God brings hope to the hurting through His Church - and often times that means we have to go overseas and deliver that hope in person. Selfishly, I really want to be that person who gets to bring the hope! These girls in the picture were blessed because someone gave up her career to go and share the hope of Jesus Christ with them.

With all that is going on in Burma right now, I have to ask myself - is there hope for those suffering in that awful place? But that is a topic for my next entry. Thanks for reading and praying for the people of Burma and northern Thailand with me.


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