Sunday, April 22, 2007


"God, be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, that Your Way may be known on earth, Your Salvation among all nations. Let the peoples praise You, O God, Let all the peoples praise You. Oh let the nations be glad and sing for joy. For You shall judge the people righteously, and govern the nations on earth."
We are here!!! After our long journey, we arrived in Chiang Mai yesterday, and by the grace of God they are letting us use a car for a week. Pray for a safe journey--as it has been a few months since I drove on the opposite side of the road while carrying 3 precious pieces of cargo! Jodi, Rebekah, Kerri, and I will, in a matter of minutes, be leaving the city to head north toward Fang/Tha Ton, and stay a few days near an orphanage, Faith Village, which has suffered this past year, losing their pastor and overseer from a severe infection. We desire discernment and wisdom from God, knowing and expecting God to do incredible things. Oh yeah--and send up a quick pray for Jodi. She had a delightful encounter with a 3 inch roach hanging out near her toothbrush this morning!


madre said...

Yeah, you are finally there and heading north. We will pray for safe traveling. God will guide you on where you need to be to minister to the people. Keep writing..

CDC said...

Hey Jodi-
Just wanted to let you know we have been praying for you and the team. We think God sent the cockroach to remind you to brush your teeth! We are excited to be able to follow your trip through this blog. May our Precious Lord lead you, protect you,empower you and bless these people and area through you & your team. LOVE-Judy, Linda & Jamie

Unknown said...

The cockroach is a great meal in Thailand.. I personally have eaten my share there not bad.

She-Ra Princess of Power said...

I am so stoked for you guys! Praise the Lord for safe travel! Eat alot of papaya salad and Khow Soy for me! I am praying for ya'll!

Kimosavy said...

My thoughts are with you Jodi... I wish I could be there with you and your team. A kindness is long remembered and I know your work is making a difference in peoples lives. Smiles, Kim