Sunday, September 30, 2007
No. 8
So now that I am home, what do I do with all that I saw and learned? I spent time today just debriefing all that happened, and I was convicted of two things: first, the needs in northern Thailand are great and the people need to a) know God, and b) find safe work; the second thing I learned is that if we keep asking questions and keep serving the Shan and people of Burma living in northern Thailand, God will make our paths straight. How do I know this? Well, He tells us He will in His Word, and I saw Him work out so many details for this trip, and I had so many Providential meetings, that I know He is in complete control (see the picture above - this is Yod, and she is a young Shan girl who works at our guesthouse - I learned a lot from her!). He IS directing our steps and our work in this region. Our role is to keep looking for those open doors and not be discouraged by the closed ones. And for me personally, I also can't forget the faces that cried out for a loving God to rescue them. I pray that we at GRI can be His hands and feet in this task.
But to end on a hopeful note - I also met many young women who have been saved out of an ugly lifestyle by God's people living in Thailand. I will write more on them in a day or so. Truly, nothing is impossible when we submit our plans to God!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Burmese Days or Animal Farm?
There are four young Burmese girls who are living in this same city and are reaching out to the prostitutes in the bars. These young women of God are completely on fire and love Jesus so much. They have befriended the three girls I mentioned above, and they invited the girls over when we came. We prayed with them and sang Burmese and English worship songs with them. How exactly did a yuppie lawyer from Haymarket, Va. end up sitting in a room and singing and praying with three young prostitutes in one of the most awful countries in the world? Wow, I (we) serve an amazing God - what a privilege to spend time with His lost and hurting sheep. But I have to admit, I left Burma last night with a heavy, heavy heart. I just kept staring at those girls and thinking about what horrible things they have to endure day in and day out. I think of the children in my family who are doing what "normal" teenagers are doing - learning Algebra and Spanish, watching too much TV and playing league soccer. Our version of normal is completely foreign to them
Thank you so much for your prayers for the details of this trip. God certainly ordained several completely Providential meetings these last two weeks, and He has forever changed my heart for the people of this region. I want to tell you so much more about the four young workers, but I also should let Kelly B back on her computer sometime tonight! But please let me encourage you to pray for these girls - both the workers and those trapped in the sex trade in Burma. And please keep praying for Burma - not too surprisingly the killing has started there again - pray for God's protection...most, if not all, of the dead probably did not know the Lord.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Current Events!!!
Thanks for praying!
Friday, September 21, 2007
The people you meet along the way...
I also met a Harvard lawyer turned ministry founder up in Chiang Mai (where I am now). She left a career in private practice to found a ministry (with her preacher husband) to exploited women in northern Thailand. They also employ vocational training for the girls coming out of that life. And now they are moving to that country to the northwest - opening a home and vocational training center for women in Burma who are coming out of the sex trade.
And then there is the young man from that same country across the border whom I met yesterday - Dakhota. He lost his father, lived in a rebel military camp, became a Buddhist monk (for only a month praise God), went to live in a Christian orphanage, came to know the Lord, and now works with a ministry rescuing exploited children in Thailand. He has such a heart to serve the hopeless - to show them that there is hope! I will put Dakhota's testimony in a newsletter, but I can say this - God calls people from all situations in life - even from a war torn country where just surviving is gift from God. This young man wants to spend this new life God gave him preaching His word and loving people.
Yes, I can truly say I have met some amazing people along my journey here. People who understand that our time on this earth is short, and we must use all of it to love our God and our neighbor - even neighbors across an ocean. I will write more in a day or so...I want you to hear about what God is doing here - it's amazing!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Not Forgotten or Foresaken
This weekend I (Kerri) will head back to
Above is a picture of some girls who God placed in an incredible God-loving and God-fearing orphanage near the border. Praise God that they did not end up as so many do being trafficked to brothels in Chiang Mai and
I will post to the blog as often as possible, so please check back for updates and for ways you can be praying for the people of this area.